Fools Rush In Where Angels Fear To Tread
This piece is for all the underdogs out there who were told that they didn’t have what it takes, were scorned by those around them, or just never felt as though they had much to offer. Whether you were always made to look the fool and/or whether you bought into the story that you are a fool, take heart. To be a fool is to be very powerful indeed!
The Fool has its roots as a powerful archetype throughout history amongst different cultures, and is often connected to the Divine. In Europe the fool appears as the Green man. To the Western Plain Native Americans he comes in the form of the Coyote, or the Trickster. Within different dynasties around the world he may have presented himself as the Court Jester – appearing as an entertainer, yet close enough to have the ear of the King.
The fool has often been (incognito) the one who has the power to heal the wounds of the ruler, and therefore the nation. In the classic tale, The Fisher King, Parsifal looks to be nothing more than a poor peasant whom the courtiers laugh at when he announces that he would like to become a knight. It is only moments later when this same crowd is hushed by the realization that, unbeknownst to him, this boy holds the power to heal the wound of the King. (Parsifal literally means “innocent fool”)
In the epic series, The Lord of the Rings, by JRR Tolkien, it is the Halflings that steal past the enemy hordes unnoticed to destroy the great evil of their time. In Lewis’ Narnia Chronicles it is always children that defeat and overcome the great evils of that world, or as Lewis refers to them – Sons of Adam and Daughters of Eve.
In our world history there is one particular Son of Adam that the Enemy did not see coming. In the person of Jesus, the archetype of the Divine Fool is played out to perfection. “He was oppressed and afflicted yet he did not open his mouth; he was led like a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before its shearers is silent, so he did not open his mouth.” Isaiah 53:7
The symbol of the sheep is very important here, known as a very foolish animal, weak, and defenseless – much like Parsifal the “innocent fool”. However, his enemies knew how powerful this Jesus of Nazareth was. The people followed him, and they had witnessed his miracles. They also considered him a fool – a bastard son, and just a carpenter. And yet this was the turning point of history. The deathblow was given and the full nature of his power became known. Through the wounds delivered to him who was considered a fool, the world was delivered from her wounds.
Perhaps instead of listening to what others may have said about you, or taking on that others have labeled you weak and foolish, you might see these as high praise and that they have unwittingly paid you a great compliment. It is in your ignorant bliss that your true strength may be hidden. Always remember: “But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong.” 1 Corinthians 1:27
Posted by Thaddeus Heffner, LMFT – March 25, 2013
This piece is for all the underdogs out there who were told that they didn’t have what it takes, were scorned by those around them, or just never felt as though they had much to offer. Whether you were always made to look the fool and/or whether you bought into the story that you are a fool, take heart. To be a fool is to be very powerful indeed!

The Fool has its roots as a powerful archetype throughout history amongst different cultures, and is often connected to the Divine. In Europe the fool appears as the Green man. To the Western Plain Native Americans he comes in the form of the Coyote, or the Trickster. Within different dynasties around the world he may have presented himself as the Court Jester – appearing as an entertainer, yet close enough to have the ear of the King.
The fool has often been (incognito) the one who has the power to heal the wounds of the ruler, and therefore the nation. In the classic tale, The Fisher King, Parsifal looks to be nothing more than a poor peasant whom the courtiers laugh at when he announces that he would like to become a knight. It is only moments later when this same crowd is hushed by the realization that, unbeknownst to him, this boy holds the power to heal the wound of the King. (Parsifal literally means “innocent fool”)
In the epic series, The Lord of the Rings, by JRR Tolkien, it is the Halflings that steal past the enemy hordes unnoticed to destroy the great evil of their time. In Lewis’ Narnia Chronicles it is always children that defeat and overcome the great evils of that world, or as Lewis refers to them – Sons of Adam and Daughters of Eve.
In our world history there is one particular Son of Adam that the Enemy did not see coming. In the person of Jesus, the archetype of the Divine Fool is played out to perfection. “He was oppressed and afflicted yet he did not open his mouth; he was led like a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before its shearers is silent, so he did not open his mouth.” Isaiah 53:7
The symbol of the sheep is very important here, known as a very foolish animal, weak, and defenseless – much like Parsifal the “innocent fool”. However, his enemies knew how powerful this Jesus of Nazareth was. The people followed him, and they had witnessed his miracles. They also considered him a fool – a bastard son, and just a carpenter. And yet this was the turning point of history. The deathblow was given and the full nature of his power became known. Through the wounds delivered to him who was considered a fool, the world was delivered from her wounds.
Perhaps instead of listening to what others may have said about you, or taking on that others have labeled you weak and foolish, you might see these as high praise and that they have unwittingly paid you a great compliment. It is in your ignorant bliss that your true strength may be hidden. Always remember: “But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong.” 1 Corinthians 1:27
Posted by Thaddeus Heffner, LMFT – March 25, 2013